Monday, February 13, 2012

Be Humbled By Kind Words

My mom sent me such a sweet Valentines Day card today. Her words (even though they were already printed on the card) were so humbling to me. 

"On special days like Valentines Day and on ordinary days too, please know that I see you
I see the path you've made that's all your own. 
I see the many unique talents and gifts you have to share.
I see your brilliance, your enthusiasm, and how deeply you care and sometimes hurt. 
I see your hard-earned wisdom, your soft pure innocence, your courage and compassion, 
your unconditional goodness. 
I see what a difference you make in this world...
...and I hope you know how very much I love you and how proud I'll always be to have a daughter as wonderful as you."

Ya know when you just have a really shitty go at things. When nothing seems to be going your way no matter how hard you feel like you've worked to get somewhere? I have found that just one person to see that you are trying, that you are giving your honest and best effort to better yourself, can make such a difference in those efforts. 
Its always more rewarding when somebody sees that. 

I appreciate and respect my mom because she loves me unconditionally. Never has, never will judge me, only guide me through the things I've done wrong. And I know she will always be the first to praise me when I've done right. 

Valentines isn't always about loving a significant other but just loving someone thats important to you. I LOVE YOU MOM! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Whale You Be My Valentine

With valentines day coming up I just cant help but point out how depressing a holiday can be. A day out of the year set aside for those who are in happy...or well....some not so happy relationships how much they love each other and shower them in candy hearts teddies and rose pedals while the rest of us are left to wallow in the misery of being alone and sad on a holiday that should even be in existence.

I got a little reminder that this dreadful holiday is coming up.
I walked up to the counter at Starbucks, ordered my venti Hot Caramel Macchiato and turned the cup to see a big red heart on the side of it. Instantly mad. Furious actually. I don't want to be reminded that I have no one to buy me a teddy bear for valentines day. I just want to be able to pick up a stupid cup of joe and spend my day in peace while everyone else is busy making dinner reservations for 2 at Red Lobster next Tuesday night.
I looked a little closer at the cup and it actually make me happy the closer I examined. You know when a girl is reading her phone and gets a big smile on her face? I was being that girl...except looking at a cup of coffee. The phrase underneath the heart said "Celebrate EveryLove." I loved that. You don't have to spend Valentines day loving a boy, you can love anyone on that day and its absolutely encouraged to show it!

As far as not finding a Valentine goes, I've considered taking matters into my own hands this year. Doin somethin cute for someone. I've had my eye on someone for a while, I've just never taken the initiative to pursue it.  I see him often. Thats not the issue and it's not that I don't want to, I just haven't found the right time. "Oh did you see the score of the UNC game last, and by the way do you want to be my Valentine?" Haha seriously....there is no right time!! I saw this thing on Pinterest that was cute.

I'm not a very affectionate person in the first place. I don't know how to go about it. Never have, actually. I feel awkward when people buy me things too. Not that I'm not thankful, I just feel guilty that they spend money on me. I don't know how to take a compliment either. So in all honesty I don't know why I get worked up over Valentines day if I'm so bad at all this stuff.

This year I'm gonna be happy to see happy people together. I don't want to be the scrooge of Valentines Day anymore.
Show the love and share the love.