Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If you're too busy for God....You're too busy.

I feel like a hamster in its wheel. I've been running so fast lately that I haven't had time to really reflect on the things that are making my life feel so mediocre. Things that are dragging me down. 
I had this feeling today that I just needed to do something to break my routine. Something awesome. Something that made me feel good. 
This was urgent. 
I texted one of my friends and asked her about some of the church events that she goes to. There was one tonight!! How convenient is that?!?!
God heard my prayer and he made something happen... quick. 

Tonight I went to Christian Challenge. It's going to be exactly how it sounds. A challenge to me to rekindle my faith and stay faithful to my faith. Once a week is all it is. Two hours out of my busy schedule to give my undivided attention to our one and only savior. Theres nothing else in this world that only takes two hours that can make me feel as incredible as those two hours did tonight. 

I have been struggling finding the right path for myself in life. Im kind of freaking out because I'm 20 years old and it's time to pull it together. After tonight no questions about it. God heard my cries and I feel like everything that was discussed, the verse, the worship songs, the prayer, everything hit the nail on the head. It was an absolute moment of clarity. It's like he planned it out for me. 

"If you're too busy for God, then you're too busy" -this was something they mentioned tonight and it really hit home for me. My excuse for not going to church/bible study etc. is because I'm too busy....but I'm not. I can and will make time. Its my challenge.  

I'm just so excited about this!!! SO excited. 

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