I forgot what it feels like to know every one. To have that love and support every day from your neighbors and even the guy down the street. I forgot what it feels like to recognize a car from the other end of main street. Actually I forgot what a main street even looks like. Whats it like to not have stop lights? Honking traffic? Road ragers? Sirens every hour on the hour? Whats it like to have a sky full of stars and not a glow from the city lights?
Thats when you know you've been gone too long...when you forget all of those things that shaped you into you.
Life's options are endless. You could be a teller at a bank. You could be in the front office for a professional sports team. You could be a stay at home mom. You can move across the country. You could move out of the country. You could design your own fashion line. Of course you can do anything you set your mind to. And if you really want to be rich and living in a mansion...you can. But what's it all worth if you're not happy?
Material things are so pricey and sure they make some people happy. Material things buy you attention. But for me and my happiness you can't put a price on that.
My happiness? My true happiness is simple. It's in a little town in the southeast corner of Colorado. It's when I get to go to the Steakhouse and see half the town during a lunch rush. Its when I get to go to grandma and papas on a Sunday and eat a bowl of chili for lunch. It's where you don't have to leave city limits to find dirt roads and where you can see the most beatiful sunsets along the plains. Its a place I like to call home.
Its not much. It's simple. But it's what I love and the biggest part of who I am. Its home <3
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